GSM Analyzer – Support for Aaronia RTSA / Spectran V6
Before I go into GSM Analyzer details a few words regarding the hardware. I was using various SDR devices in the last years. Started using specialized hardware named USB-RX a friend designed and also HiQ-SDR, RTL dongles etc. The most mature one was the USB-RX...

[GSM] Source code of RX-FFT and GSM-Analyzer
Long time ago I coded tools to capture, demodulate, decode and decrypt data from an Software Defined Radio (SDR).As i dont see any reason to keep it private, i decided to release the source code. I mainly used a device that is comparable to the...
[GSM] Kraken
currently i am porting Kraken, the fantastic A5/1 cipher cracker to win32/x64. it seems that i am done with most of the steps. it starts, cracks the keys, supports ATI cards as the linux version does and is even able to run as a multi-client...